Until May this year, I didn’t even know that Bridgnorth was a place…my geography north of the M25 is shocking. It was my friend’s 30th earlier in the year and as she now lives up in Wolverhampton, her family threw
Review: Leggero, Soho

How I have gone so long without visiting Leggero is an absolute mystery. Gluten-free, Italian food. 100% my idea of heaven. Anyway, I finally rectified this a few weeks ago, when I paid a visit with the boy. Leggero has a
Steamed Haddock with Chilli Garlic Lentils

I hadn’t thought of steaming haddock in the oven until recently, but now I’m a massive convert…and am also questioning why I didn’t start doing it earlier. The fish just takes so much better – it has more flavour and
Sightseeing in San Francisco: Part 1

Looking at the long list of places in front of me, I feel like it’s only sensible to make this post a two-parter. Back in June, the boy spoilt me by taking me to San Francisco for 10 days. We